The limitless possibilities of real estate show us various views.
What you can see now may only a few percent of that.
"Is there actually a need for this type of tenant?"
"In this location, there may be demand from this point of view."
If we change our perspective without being bound by conventional wisdom,
we will discover a new view that no one has ever seen before.
And this view will be the key to creating growth beyond imagination.
That is why we will continue to explore.
Let's go beyond the view together.
Kenedix Real Estate Fund Management, Inc.
has been able to lead the industry in taking on new challenges and continuing to grow.
Through each REIT,
we provide investment opportunities to a wide range of investors,
including domestic and foreign institutional investors, pension funds, and sovereign wealth funds.
We regard ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) initiatives as important management issues,
and are taking a variety of industry-leading initiatives.